The big day is here. After 10 weeks, I'll be able to run again!!! I will reintroduce my feet to the motion of the run on "The Beast" trail. We will be helping our friends with Forge Racing out this weekend with a night time 10k Sat and 1/2 marathon on Sunday morning. It might be raining, so I'll get to make my first run back, an excellent first run back! I LOVE running in the rain, it is so relaxing and amazing!!! So I will split away at some point for some opening up of the legs for a mile or less. If all goes well I can do 3 by my birthday!! HA!
I did let the legs open up a smidgen a few weeks ago at the Cajun Coyote 100 mi race at Chico State Park. We were working the aid station, and would run to greet runners as they came out of the woods at all hours of the night and day. Can I say that was the most AMAZING feeling! It was nice to know they still work. The race consisted of 20 mile loops, there was a 20 mi option, 100k, and 100 mi option. The winner was a very pleasant man, Mosi Smith. His nickname should be smiles! Every time I saw him he had a smile plastered on his face. I was grateful to be the person greeting them as they made their stop into AS2 (Aid Station Number 2). Over the course of the day(s), I had the opportunity to get to know these wonderful people. They ranged from first timers, to one man (Scott) completing his 25th for the year (I wonder how his 26th went this past weekend?). There was undoubtedly a winner in the insanity category-AD Marshall-he ran from Baton Rouge (100 mi) then ran the 100 mi race. If I ever lose enough of my mind to do something like that (I said that about marathon's before and I've ran one of those, so it's all relative-ha!) I hope that I look as good as he did on that last lap. He looked strong and was pushing through. His times were great and his spirits high. There are not enough words to say how lucky I am to have been there for everyone. I love to run, but I also love to be there for the runners when they need me the most. Even if it is just a bowl of chicken broth.
Chicot State Park is beautiful, I cannot wait to explore that trail myself some day. I love cypress, they are beautiful trees! As far as the babymaking front goes, this month is a no go. I started Vitex, and it extended my luteal phase out. I started my normal (when not on Progesterone) spotting at 4dpo and it tapered off. I started flow on 12 dpo, but it lightened up and my temp hasn't crashed yet, so I'm thinking that I'll really start today. I did take a HPT today, but of course it was BFN. Had to make sure. I was surprised that the Vitex affected me the first month, maybe the Vitex was all we needed? Maybe next month (this month) is our month?